eSign Document Management |
Pattern | Example Released Page Title |
Prefix: DOC_ID (Revision) DOC_NAME | SOP017(03) Quality System Lifecycle |
Suffix: DOC_NAME DOC_ID(Revision) | Quality System Lifecycle SOP017(03) |
Configure the preferred title in Space Settings > eSign Document Settings. It will take effect on the next document release.
Changes below were released 2024-04-15
Periodic Document Retraining (New Feature)
Upcoming Training items are hidden by default Manage Training tab, but can be shown by clicking the “Show Upcoming” link.
Training Management (Improved)
For documents with Periodic Retraining enabled, the assignment will be set as upcoming training for that person at the next scheduled interval. For example, if a user was assigned training for an SOP with annual (365 days) retraining enabled, and they had just completed training 2 months previously, the assignment will now be set as Upcoming training due 365 from the previous completion.
Document Link Macro (Improved)