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Release Publishing for Structured Page Trees
Added support for publishing to structured page trees. The new Mirror Location option will publish new revisions to the target under the same parent page as the working copy. This will allow increased flexibility in how to organize large collections of controlled documents
Configure the new Mirror Location release option in Space Settings > eSign Document Settings > Release Settings
Training Management for Inactive Users
Training assignments (by group) will now exclude inactive users in the group.
Resolved issue where Organization name was not displayed in the document header macro for new spaces without any eSign Document configuration.
Apply workaround for issue with unicode characters in administrator names and titles that are not supported by the Atlassian user property API.
Training Due Dates
All Training assignments now include Due Dates. This is a system wide improvement that affects several areas of the application:
The Assign Training dialog now includes a Due Date field where the training due date is confirmed or set. The Due Date is automatically set 28 days (configurable) in the future, but may be adjusted.
Training Assignment and Training Reminder emails include the Due Date for each document.
In Manage Training, the Open Training Assignments table now displays Due Date and Assigned On Date. The table is sorted by Due Date.
Document Search displays the next Due Date and highlights those with Overdue Training
Document Settings now includes an option to to configure the default Training Duration in days.
Transition and Notes
Due date range is limited to within the next year.
Currently open training items will have a Due Date of “N/A”. Users can complete those training items as is, or those users can be re-assigned to apply a Due Date.
Periodic Document Reviews
Post-release periodic document reviews are now supported in the app.
Periodic Review Frequency (default 365 days) is configured in Document Settings
Document Search Views
The document search and document search macro have been upgraded to allow display of 4 different tailored views. Each view has specific displayed columns and sort order. For example, this allows setting up a page showing Released documents that does not include Reviewer information.
View | Display |
Select the active view in the Document Search Macro.
Document Header Macro Changes
The document header macro has a number of improvements and changes.
The Organization Name has been added to the header. By default this shows the Confluence Site Title, or can be set in eSign Document Settings at the space level. If neither is set the Atlassian cloud name is used.
The option to show the Document Owners list has been added. This can be useful if the users need to know who to contact about this document. Also the recent Confluence change of page Created by to Owned by can be confusing for new users. (For Release Copies the page owner will always be ‘eSign’). Enable this option in Document Settings.
The Document # (ID and Revision) has been moved to the top right for better visibility and consistency.
Field prompts (e.g. Document #, Status) have been moved to tool tip (view on float over) to streamline the header display. Note on PDF Export the field prompts are displayed.
From a technical perspective, page caching has been leveraged to help the header display faster. This means it may take a few minutes for configuration changes to take effect. (TIP: Open in a new tab to see changes immediately).
Document Management Reporting
The team is happy to deliver enhanced reporting options for eSign Document Management. The new reporting infrastructure provides 3 new management level reports.
The previous inline document reports (Approval, Training, Audit) have been renamed to Records in the Document Management dialog. A new link to the system-wide Reports has also been added.
Training Signature Meanings
With this update, training signature meanings can now be configured in Space Settings. This will allow customers to use something other than “Read & Understood” for the training complete signature. Optionally, multiple meanings can be configured.
Note that user training records are new with this release and will compile per person training records going forward. For historical training refer to individual document training records.
Automatic Archiving of Obsolete Documents
It is now possible to enable automated archiving of Obsolete revisions. If this feature is enabled in Space Settings, eSign will trigger a Confluence page archive on documents that are obsoleted to immediately remove them from public view.