All standard eSign functionality in Core and Software projects are available in Jira Service Management (JSM) projects. In addition, eSign allows Customers and standard Users to Sign service requests via the Service Portal.

Portal Signatures

Logged in Customers can sign requests in the Portal using a simplified Execute Signature page.


Customer users do not require a Pin, instead they complete a Consent checkbox to acknowledge the signature is equivalent to a legal signature.

Full Atlassian Users will sign using the standard Execute Signature dialog with Pin and Meaning.

Portal Signatures are enabled by default, but can be hidden for a project with the Project Setting “Disable eSign for this Project”.


  1. Internal Jira Accounts and External Customer accounts are routed and secured differently. Confirm what type of account the user has by accessing My Signature Profile from the portal.

  2. Customers will be able to see their own and any other signatures on their requests (or requests shared with them).

  3. Atlassian Users can sign from the Portal or full Issue screen on requests they have access to view and Edit. Advanced Security mode is enforced from the Portal the same as from the full Issue screen for Atlassian Accounts.

  4. Signature audit comments are restricted to internal visibility so they will not be visible on the Portal.

  5. Customers can only sign a request if they have not already signed it. An internal user with project admin can reset signatures if necessary to clear signatures.


(info) Atlassian has restrictions on the pseudo groups like “Service Project Customer - Portal Access” and do not allow permissions to be granted directly to it. Instead try granting the permission Edit Issues (default security), or eSign Execute (advanced security) to the automatically created group 'jira-servicemanagement-customers-####' (#### is the tenant ID).