eSign supports integrated PDF Signature Archiving of a point in time snapshot of the Finalized and Signed content. The PDF archives include content summary data, version and date of the confluence page content and attachments, plus comments, and all eSign Signatures and the Signature Verification.
If enabled, archives (.pdf) are automatically generated and stored as attachments on the Confluence content when Signatures are finalized. Users can view/download these archives on demand as needed for reference, audits, etc.
Example Signature Archive
It is possible for a page to have multiple archives if the page is re-opened and re-finalized. Each archive file is date stamped to identify the creation time.
PDF Archiving is enabled by default for Confluence. It can be disabled in the eSign App Settings.
PDF Archive attachments are excluded from the eSign Signature checksum.
The addition of the PDF file to the content will not invalidate captured signatures.