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(warning) Feature Releasing Soon

eSign supports integration with Jira Automation workflows.

(info) See How To Integrate eSign for Jira with Slack or Teams for a complete example of using Jira Automation for integration.

Available Webhook Triggers


Configure automation with 1 or more actions to take, for example Transition to a status.


(info) TIP - When setting up it is possible to use conditions based on eSign provided data. For example “{{webhookData.signCount}} > 2” would only pass if the issue had more than 2 signatures.


Step 3 - Link Automation Webhook URLS into eSign


Along with the issue ID, eSign sends the following information to Automation with each webhook. This can be useful if the action is conditional on number of pending or completed signatures. For more information on using webhookData see

Sample Webhook Data

Code Block
	eventText: "PM Approval (Investigation) signature executed by Sir Winston Churchill.", 
	eventUser: "Sir Winston Churchill",
	pendingCount: 3, 
	pendingList: "Indira Gandhi - PM Approval, John Hancock - R&D Approval, Unassigned - QA Approval"
	signCount: 1,
	signStatusCount: 1,
	lines: [{
		accountId: "123xxx"
		meaning: "Approval", 
		name: "Sir Winston Churchill",
		status: "To Do"
		title: "PM"
		date: "May 16, signCount: 2} 2024"
		time: "8:33 PM"
		ts: "2024-05-17T00:33:40Z"
		{ // additional signature lines}, 