Jira Automation Integration

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Jira Automation Integration

eSign supports integration with Jira Automation workflows.

See How To Integrate eSign for Jira with Slack or Teams for a complete example of using Jira Automation for integration.

Available Webhook Triggers

  • Execute Signature

  • Finalize Signatures

  • Invite Users


Setting up Integration

Step 1 - Create Automation Rule - When Incoming Webhook

Step 2 - Set Actions to take

Configure automation with 1 or more actions to take, for example Transition to a status.

TIP - When setting up it is possible to use conditions based on eSign provided data. For example “{{webhookData.signCount}} > 2” would only pass if the issue had more than 2 signatures.


Step 3 - Link Automation Webhook URLS into eSign

Open eSign project settings and copy the Jira Automation URL created in Step 1 into the applicable Webhook URL fields.

eSign will trigger these webhook URL’s when the specified of the event occurs.



Automated Transitions and eSign Signature Validators

If transitioning the issue to a new status using a workflow transition that includes eSign Signature Validators, Jira Automation WILL enforce signature validators.

For example: if there is a validator that requires 2 signatures to proceed from status “In Review” to “Approved”, and the Automation webhook is enabled for every Signature Execute event. The following will happen.

  1. On the first signature, Jira automation will be triggered and will attempt the transition. It will be blocked because only 1 signature is present.

  2. On the second signature, Jira automation will be triggers and will again attempt the transition. This time it will complete and the issue will move to the approved Status.

Note that the blocked action in #1 will be flagged as an Automation rule error. To prevent email warnings to the rule administrator be sure to set Rule Details > Notify on error to ‘Don’t Notify'.


Webhook Data Provided by eSign

Along with the issue ID, eSign sends the following information to Automation with each webhook. This can be useful if the action is conditional on number of pending or completed signatures. For more information on using webhookData see https://confluence.atlassian.com/jirakb/working-with-incoming-webhook-data-in-automation-for-jira-1125878776.html

Sample Webhook Data

{ event: "EXECUTE", eventText: "PM Approval (Investigation) signature executed by Sir Winston Churchill.", eventUser: "Sir Winston Churchill", pendingCount: 3, pendingList: "Indira Gandhi - PM Approval, John Hancock - R&D Approval, Unassigned - QA Approval" signCount: 1, signStatusCount: 1, }