See for eSign Documentation and Support
Change Log - 2023 Q2
Document Revision History
A Revision History a module has been added to eSign Document Management (edoc) with this update:
Revision history is automatically compiled by eSign as revisions are created and approved.
The new Document Revision History macro is displayed inline and can be exported to Word/PDF with the Confluence page.
Revision Summary descriptions can continue to be set during the draft/review process for each revision.
Revision history is also visible in a new top level Document tab within the edoc dialog, and includes a reference to the working copy page version that was approved.
Improved Training User Experience
The training experience for end users has been optimized with a simplified “My Training” tab.
The My Training tab shows assignments and training records for the current user only.
Users with assigned training will automatically see this tab on opening the edoc dialog.
Document Owners continue to have access to the Training tab to manage assignments; this tab is no longer visible to non-owners.
Streamline Document Dialog for end users
Layout of the Document Dialog was adjusted to reduce the clutter and improve comprehension for end users.
Document ID, Revision and Name data moved to the header of the Dialog
Document Type, Status, and the Working/Release Copy flag moved to the footer
Minor layout adjustments to prevent scrolling at lower resolutions
Only show the Workflow menu for Document Owners. Note that Training, Review and Audit Reports are still available to all users with access to the release copy.
Release Copy Changes
The default location of Release Copies is now a child page of the Working Copy instead of a sibling. This change was requested to reduce clutter/confusion if the Working Copy and Release Copy were displayed side by side in the page tree. The Default location is only used if a Release target is not configured in Space Settings.
Release Copy configuration now supports releasing to custom parent pages within the default “Current” space. Previously custom parent pages only worked if both the space and title fields were set.
TIP - Release Copies are automatically set read only using Confluence security restrictions to prevent unintentional editing/changes. If a release copy needs to be moved, a space administrator can temporarily change security restrictions on a page to move them.
Cloud Fortified
eSign Document Management app has achieved Atlassian Cloud Fortified certification. See details on the cloud fortified program here: Marketplace App Trust | Atlassian
Atlassian cloud storage location of user properties have moved to prevent dependency on private space security that impacted a few customers. This is transparent to end users.