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Change Log - 2024 Q2
eSign Document Management |
May 2024 Update
Dark Theme Support (New)
With this update, all macros, screens and dialogs of eSign Document Management are compatible with the Confluence Dark Theme.
Signature Pin Configuration for Document Review and Training
For eSign it is now possible to separately configure whether the Signature Pin is required to apply document review signatures and/or training completion signatures.
DEFAULT BEHAVIOR CHANGE - Previously Signature Pins were required for both Document Reviews and Training Completion. The new default setting is that Signature Pins are required for Document Approval and but are not required for Training Completion Signatures.
These settings can be adjusted for your site in Apps > Manage Apps > eSign Document Management > App Settings.
Release Page Title Customization
eSign now supports multiple patterns for the release page titles The Document ID and Revision can be set to be a prefix or suffix.
Pattern | Example Released Page Title |
Prefix: DOC_ID (Revision) DOC_NAME | SOP017(03) Quality System Lifecycle |
Suffix: DOC_NAME DOC_ID(Revision) | Quality System Lifecycle SOP017(03) |
Configure the preferred title in Space Settings > eSign Document Settings. It will take effect on the next document release.
Additional Items
The Working Copy and Release Copy stamps were moved to the top of the Document Management dialog for improved visibility.
eSign Document macros now support public page read-only access by anonymous users. Note that anonymous users cannot sign documents or access eSign Document Search or Reports. Named guest users can review/sign documents and complete training.
Imported Confluence Cloud spaces that contain previously exported eSign Document Pages can now be reset and to enabled document management using the Administration > Reset option.
Changes below were released 2024-04-15
Periodic Document Retraining (New Feature)
Users can now be automatically scheduled for document retraining. This may be useful in organizations where procedures and work instructions need periodic “refresher training”.
When periodic retraining is enabled, all users who complete training on the document will automatically be scheduled for upcoming training to be completed at a future date.
To enable this feature, configure the Retraining Frequency in the Document Type configuration within eSign Document Settings. New document revisions that are Started will inherit this value from the Document Type.
This change has impacted a number of training areas. See details below:
Document Management
Document Information
The Retraining Frequency (in days) is shown in the Document tab for reference.
My Training
The user will see a message if they have upcoming training scheduled for a future date.
Manage Training
The Total Open summary row is expanded to show the counts by Open Status (Due, Overdue and Upcoming). The Open Training table now includes a status and start date column for training assignments.
eSign Document Settings
Document Types have a new configuration setting: Retrain Frequency (days).
Document Training Record
The document training record only displays completed/historic training. Upcoming training items are not displayed.
Open Training Report
Upcoming training items (i.e. Scheduled retraining that have a future start and due date) are included in the “Open Training” total value.
eSign Document Header
The Document Header notifications to users that “Training is Due” for this document only appears for Due and Overdue training.
Email Notifications
Notification for standard training assignments is unchanged. Users will continue to receive email notifications immediately when training is assigned (to start now).
Weekly Training digest notifications to users includes all Due and Overdue training assignments. Upcoming training will be shown once the Start Date has passed and it becomes Due.
Additional Notes
Upcoming Training items are hidden by default Manage Training tab, but can be shown by clicking the “Show Upcoming” link.
Training Management (Improved)
Cancel Individual Training Assignments
A new option for training managers, it is now possible to cancel a training assignment for a single person. Bulk cancel of open assignments was previously supported via Administration. Now managers can select a single assignment to remove.
This Action is available to users with access to manage training. This action will be audited.
Training Management - Post-Dated Scheduling
In Q1 we added a feature where users that had recently completed training (by default within 180 days) would not receive a duplicate assignment. This was to make it easier to invite by groups knowing that only the new group members would be added to training.
For documents with Periodic Retraining enabled, the assignment will be set as upcoming training for that person at the next scheduled interval. For example, if a user was assigned training for an SOP with annual (365 days) retraining enabled, and they had just completed training 2 months previously, the assignment will now be set as Upcoming training due 365 from the previous completion.
Document Link Macro (Improved)
The Document Link macro has been enhanced to provide a Document search picklist. This will make it easier to find valid Documents to link to.
Users can search for any existing Document they have access to see, and search by ID or Name. Once selected the ID and Link Title will autofill but may be customized.
Document Catalog Export (New)
A ew Document Catalog report (available under Apps > eSign Reports) that can export document data into a .csv file for external management and reporting in tools like Excel.
Additional Changes
Security improvements applied
Extend maximum length of custom document ID’s to 25 characters.
UX update of Content Dialog header to accommodate longer ID's
Content Security Policy rule update for Atlassian theme resource change
Improve Document Revision numbering to support major.minor revision number style, eSign will automatically increment the last digit (e.g. 1.0 > 1.1 > 1.2). Users can override to increment the major version (e.g. 1.1 > 2.0).
Added new Sort By Document ID option to the Document Search Macro.
FIXED - In the document search macro the Sort By Page Title option was not working for recently updated macro configurations.
TECH Additional diagnostics for automatic training reminders job
TECH Raise Atlassian API fetch limits on email and group membership lookups to handle very large groups