2024 Change Log - eSign for Jira

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2024 Change Log - eSign for Jira

eSign for Jira
2024 Q4 Updates
Status: RELEASED (tick)
Releases: 2024-10-04, 2024-11-06, 2024-11-20


Signature Dashboard - New Feature

The new Signature Dashboard is available for all customers and projects. The dashboard provides a central location to review and manage signatures in a project and includes:

  1. My Signature Invites - a list of the issues the current user is actively invited to sign including waiting time and signature type.

  2. Open Signature Invites - every user that has active invites with aggregate count of open signatures and links to each.

  3. Unassigned Signatures - pending Signature Types (e.g. QA Approval, Dev Approval) on all issues that need users to be invited/sign.

  4. Signature Queries - a collection of our favorite queries to quickly find signature related issues in Jira. Use them directly, or modify and save them as your own filters for on demand or scheduled reporting.

Access the Signature Dashboard from the project page of any Jira project. It is available for all project types including Jira Service Management projects.


A new dashboard button has been added to the Signatures issue panel to provide quick navigation back to the dashboard.


Change Log


  • IMPROVED PDF Signature Archive - added support for additional custom field types: labels, version (single/multiple), service desk approvals, etc.

  • FIX Resolved issue with PDF table column formatting for embedded tables in issue descriptions.

  • TECH Tune threshold limits for incoming Jira webhook processing.


  • IMPROVED JSM Portal enhanced - eSign now allows configuration of which Request Types allow signatures in the Service Portal. Configure in the eSign Project Settings > Jira Service Management section.



  • FEATURE Introduction of Signature Dashboard.

  • IMPROVED Optional control “Restrict signatures to Invitees only” updated to limit users to only sign for the signature types they were invited for.

  • UX Visibly disable action buttons for anonymous users on public projects.

  • UX Improve error dialog visibility in dark theme.

eSign for Jira
2024 Q2 Updates
Status: RELEASED (tick)
Release Date: 2024-05-16
Last Update: 2024-09-05


New Feature - Predefined Signees

For teams who have a consistent set of people that need to approve issues it is now possible to define the list of Signees within eSign Project Settings for each Signature Type/Issue Type. This feature was released in Beta earlier this spring and is now available to all customers.


Once defined, these users can be automatically invited via the expanded Invite Users workflow post-function.

(info) Note that the Jira Workflow Editor for Team Managed Projects does not yet support post-functions. Until it does, this function can only be added in Company Managed Project workflows.


New Project Options

4 new project options have been added for increased flexibility and controls. Configure these in eSign Project Settings.


Option - Only Invitees can Sign

Users must first be invited to an issue before they can sign it.

Option - Cancel Alternate User Invites on Sign

If enabled, eSign will cancel invites for users with the same Signature Type/Meaning upon signature by another user. This option can be enable for teams that assign multiple “alternate” people to sign for the same role, and only one of them is needed.

This option complements the Predefined Signees feature above, and it will also work with users manually invited to sign the same issue and same signature type.

Option - Block Finalize if Pending Signatures

If enabled eSign will block users from performing Finalize if there are Pending Signatures or Open Invites.
Note this setting does not apply to the automated Finalize workflow post-function; the post function will always cancel Pending Signatures during Finalize.

Option - Notify Emails Link to (Service Management) Portal

For internally focused service projects it is now possible to direct the Signature Invite links to the JSM portal, instead of the default browse issue page. Use this when the invited Jira users should sign from the portal.

New App Option - Disable Bulk Signatures

For teams that do not want to enable bulk signature execution (i.e. allowing users to use one signing event to approve multiple issues), it is now possible to restrict bulk execution site wide.

Configure this in eSign App Settings. Bulk Signatures are enabled by default.


Additional Items


  • SECURITY Additional security hardening applied


  • TECH Raised capacity of webhook processing


  • FIX Fixed an issue where group role grants were not supported to authorize bulk signatures.

  • UX Improve on screen message when an Issue that was moved between projects after signing is detected.


  • FIX Fixed the error message that was shown when attempting to sign an issue without an invite when the “Only Invitees May Sign” option was enabled.


  • IMPROVED Added new Project Option: Notify Emails Link to Portal (see above)

  • UX Resolve an issue where the portal signature panel did not automatically refresh after a successful signature.

  • UX Add an administrator message in App and Project Settings page if the eSign license trial expired.


  • IMPROVED Data Residency improvements to add support for automated migration of client sites between US and EU/DE environments.

eSign for Jira
2024 Q1 Updates
Status: RELEASED (tick)
Release Date: 2024-01-20


#1 Pending Signature Placeholders

This update introduces Pending Signatures as placeholders for required signatures. These can be added to Issues via the Invite dialog or via the new workflow post-function.

Use Pending Signatures to indicate what Signatures Types are required for an issue, before any specific people are assigned/invited.


Creating Pending Signatures

Pending Signatures may be created via the Invite Signatures dialog or via a workflow post-function.

In the dialog select the “Pending” checkbox to create an Unassigned Pending signature instead of Inviting a specific person. It is supported to mix Invited users and Pending.



  • Unassigned Pending Signatures are enforced by the Required Signature workflow validator.

  • Pending Signatures will be automatically replaced by any Executed Signature or Invited User for the same Signature Type. (e.g. if Indira signs an issue for QA Approval, that will close off the Pending Signature for QA Approval.

  • Only one Pending Signature of any Signature Type is permitted at one time. Duplicates will not be created by the Invite Dialog or Post Function, even if they run multiple times.

  • Users with Invite privilege on Signatures can both create and cancel Pending Signatures.

  • Customers with workflows requiring signatures on read-only issue states are supported. Initializing the Issue Signature Panel with 1 or more Pending Signatures will cause it to be displayed for all users (including read-only users), allowing them to sign.

#2 Signature Audit Events

Go forward Signature Audit Events are now collected and displayed in a separate Signature Audit tab in the Issue Active panel.

The legacy eSign Signature comments will still be added to issues if enabled in Project Settings, but may be disabled to reduce comments and the user notifications.


Audit Events in the PDF Archive Report

The PDF Archive Report has been updated and can display Audit Events if enabled in Project Settings. (Option is disabled by default).


  • The new Audit Activity tab will only display after Signatures are initialized for an issue.

  • Audit data is persistent, the administrator action to remove Signature data will not modify the audit data.

#3 One-Time Signature Pins

It is now possible to switch the eSign Signature Pins from the default Persistent mode to a One-Time Pin.

When One-Time Pin is enabled, for each Signature users will receive a new Pin via email that must be used to execute the next signature. As soon as it is used the One-Time becomes invalid.

For customers using Persistent Pins there is a new option to configure the maximum age of Persistent Pins (default is 180 days).


Enabling One Time Pins

Administrators can enable One-Time Pin mode in eSign App Settings. This setting will apply to all site users.



  • One-Time Pins are valid for 30 minutes from time of issue or until used for a signature.

  • The One-Time Pin is bound to the user, but not the issue. It can be used to sign any single issue.

  • Users can use the Pin Request link to ask for a new pin to be generated and emailed. Doing so will invalidate the previous Pin.

  • Users may not manually change One-Time Pins.

  • Bulk Signature Executions use a single One-Time Pin.

#4 Webhooks expanded for Slack/Teams Notifications

The eSign Webhooks have been expanded to send additional event data that Jira Automation can use for advanced and custom notifications to Slack, Teams, email and any other action supported by Jira Automation.



  • Webhooks can be configured on Signature (Execute), Invite, and Finalize.

  • More examples are available in online documentation.

#5 Data Processing Residency available for Europe

eSign for Jira has added a new EU processing location. Customers now have the option to “Pin” their eSign app location to European Union, Germany or USA. Once pinned, the eSign server(s) in that location will perform all signature processing for that cloud site.

Note that eSign does not permanently store any end-user data outside of the Atlassian cloud. This change will have 2 key benefits:

  1. For customers with EU compliance requirements, pinning the location to EU will ensure that signature data processing occurs with the EU.

  2. Customers with Atlassian cloud sites located “closer” to the EU will notice faster response time when working with eSign as compared to the US hosted location.

Administrators can access and Pin apps within admin.atlassian.com. See this Atlassian article for more information on Data Residency. https://www.atlassian.com/software/data-residency

Application Residency and Diagnostics

To improve visibility, the eSign App Settings page now displays the current host location and measured client browser latency.

Access from Apps > Manage Apps > eSign Electronic Signatures > eSign App Settings


#6 Additional Items

  • The PDF Archive report layout was streamlined and the Comments and (new) Signature Audit sections aligned.

  • Added new email troubleshooting guide: How to Resolve Email Delivery Issues

  • Changed display rule to hide the Issue toolbars (Add) Signatures button for users with read-only access if the Signature panel is not already initialized. This is being done to reduce confusion as Jira will silently block a read-only user from opening a new app panel. Recommendation is to use the Create Pending Signatures post-function to initialize the signatures before any read-only users need to sign so the button will be available (and functional).

  • 2024-03-11 Improved display of Signature and Invite dialog on small screens to reduce user scrolling.

  • 2024-03-11 Raised the Signature Type limit on the Invite dialog from 8 to 10.

  • 2024-03-18 Add Project admin email notification for post function errors due to project security and permission issues

#7 Issues Resolved

  • 2024-01-20 Resolved - The Show Void menu item could be clicked multiple times in the Issue Signature panel

  • 2024-01-23 Resolved - Bulk operations screen opened with error for customers with no eSign App Settings configured

  • 2024-01-27 Data Integrity - Added warning message when issues containing linked signatures were moved or cloned with third party apps.

  • 2024-03-25 Signature Import - Update import routine to request Jira token refresh for long running imports