eSign Documents - Getting Started

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eSign Documents - Getting Started

First Document Walkthrough

Use this quick tutorial to see how to create, review, and train on a new controlled document.


Stage 1 - Start

Find the existing Confluence page to be managed as a controlled Document, and click the eSign Document link in the byline, or optionally add the eSign Document Header macro to the page first.


In the eSign dialog that appears press Start Document.


Next, choose the “Controlled Document” Document Type. All other fields can be left as default. Press Start.


Document Control ID and Revision can be set manually as per the corporate Quality System if required. Document Types and Approvals for each are configurable in Space Settings > eSign Document Settings.

Assign Reviewers

After starting the Document status will be DRAFT and it will be assigned a unique Document Control ID and Revision.

Click Assign Reviewers to select the people to review and approve this document revision.


For this first revision, use the Assign to Me link to assign the first required Approval meaning to yourself. Press Submit to save the changes. All assignees will receive an email notification.


Reviewers can be reassigned if necessary after review has started. Optional reviewers can also be added.

Stage 2 - In Review

The Document status is now IN REVIEW. Press Approve to apply your approval signature.


New Signature Pin

For your first approval, you will need a eSign Signature Pin. Click the Pin Reset link and then Yes, Reset my Signature Pin to have eSign send you a new Pin via email.


Execute Approval Signature

Once you receive the Signature Pin via email, enter your Title (optional), Signature Pin and press Approval Signature to apply the signature.


Finalize Approvals

Once all required Approvals have been applied, the document status will become APPROVED. Owners will receive a notification via email and the Approval Record will be available online ( Records > Approval ).



Stage 3 - Release

Release the document to distribute a copy of this revision for training and reference. The Working Copy and every Released revision of each document are maintained as separate Confluence pages. This allows training and reference of the active released document to continue while the next revision is being authored. The Working Copies and Release Copies may be in separate spaces.

Press Release Document to initialize the release of an Approved working copy. The Release Document dialog performs a precheck to verify the Target publishing Space, Location and Title are valid.

Press Release to continue.

Release Precheck
Release Completed

Post Release

After release the Working Copy status will be CLOSED and the dialog will show links to navigate to the newly created Release Copy.

Follow the Release Copy link in the dialog to view the Release Copy page; it will be Released and available for Training.


Release Notes

  • For this first walkthrough the Release Copy will be created as a child of the Working Copy. For production use we recommend publishing to a separate space; configure the target space in Space Settings > eSign Space Settings.

  • A PDF of the Approval Record will be attached to the release copy.

Stage 4 - Training

Once released, documents are available for Training. The training module uses electronic signatures to record 'Read & Understood” signatures in the Training Record.

Release Copy available for Training

Assign Training

Press the Assign Training button in the Manage Training tab to set up training.

Set Due Date, Users (including yourself) and a Training Note, then press Assign.


Completing Training

Users will be notified of new training assignments via email. Following the email link or opening the document dialog will display the My Training tab. Press Complete Training to apply a Read & Understood signature to the Release Copy of a document.

Every completed training signature is attached to the document training record. The report can be generated at any time, and saved/printed as needed.



Stage 5 - Obsolete

Releasing a new document revision will automatically Obsolete the previous one. Documents may also be manually Obsoleted if necessary.

Once Obsolete, the byline and document header macro will clearly notify users that the document is no longer active.



Congratulations, you have completed a complete life cycle of a new document revision. We recommend starting the next revision (e.g. Rev 02) of the same document; the process is very similar.

Next Revision

  1. Return to the Working Copy (Closed Tab) and press Start New Revision to begin the life cycle for Revision 02 of the same document.

  2. Modify the page content, and add one or more of the the eSign Document Header, eSign Signature Block and/or eSign Revision History macros.

  3. Complete Review, Approval and Release for Revision 02.

  4. When complete use the “Search > Document Revisions” link to see the 3 related pages (1 working copy, and 2 releases). Access the reports menu on each to see the approval, training and audit report for each revision.


Further Exploration

  • Add additional reviewers in the Assign Reviewers to work with multiple people

  • Change the Target Release location to be a separate space

  • Add a new Document Type with its own Approvers in eSign Document Settings (in Space Settings)

  • Explore Document Search (Apps > eSign Documents) and Reports (Apps > eSign Reports)

Additional Information

Document Owners

The Document Owners are responsible for guiding each document through the workflow. Owners are set for each Revision when documents are Started.

  • Owners can Invite and Administer signatures for the page.

  • Space administrators have owner level privileges

  • Sitewide Document administrators (configured in eSign App Settings) also have owner level privileges

Execute Signature Dialog

Execute a signature using the Signature Dialog. Enter the Security pin and confirm/update the Meaning and press Apply Signature. Once authenticated, the approval signature will be recorded in the document.

eSign Document Management Dialog

The document dialog is the primary screen to work with each document. Owners/Admins have access to additional management functions and reports.

eSign Document Macros

eSign Document Header

Add the header to any document to improve visibility of the document ID and Status. The Header also shows progress of each Reviewer while the document is in review.

eSign Document Signature Block

Include a Signature Block for the document inline in the Confluence page. This will show all approval signatures (and placeholders). It is interactive and users can sign by clicking on this block (as well as approving from the byline).

eSign Document Revision History

Insert a complete revision history table of all document revisions.

eSign Document Link

Provide a dynamic link to include in any page to navigate users to the most recently released revision of any document.

Signature Pin

Signature Pins can be enabled for Review Signatures and/or Training Signatures in eSign App Settings. If enabled, eSign will enforce that users enter a Pin for secondary authentication of every signature. Users must first log in to Atlassian Confluence.

This Pin is reusable and can be used repeatedly to sign Documents. The first time a user opens the signature dialog the user will have to request a New Pin (via Pin Reset) before they can execute a signature. If a Pin expires, is locked out, or is forgotten, the user can request a new one via Pin Reset. When this occurs, the eSign system will generate a random pin for that user and send it to them via e-mail. The new pin can be used for Signing immediately. The user can optionally select their own Pin in the eSign User Settings page.

Pin Restrictions

  • Pins are minimum 6 characters in length

  • Pins will lock out after multiple invalid attempts

  • Pins will expire after 180 days

Signature and Document Integrity

The eSign Document Management record is stored within Confluence as custom content attached to each page. The record is cryptographically signed by eSign to allow the record integrity to be verified. In addition to the approval signatures of all users that signed, the approval record also contains page name, version, date of the confluence page and the name, date/time and size of all attachments.

If a document is modified during the Review process (e.g. to address feedback for required changes), all existing approvals will be flagged as modified. Users must re-approve the latest version of the document before the page can be finalized.



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