eSign User Profile

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eSign User Profile

The User Profile page is available to view a preview of the current user signatures and to Update the user pin.

Signature Pin can be manually updated only for sites with Persistent Signature Pins enabled. In sites with One-Time Pins the Pins are not updateable.


Full Name

User name is retrieved from the user’s Jira Account display name.

Account Type

atlassian - standard internal Jira user acccount
customer - Jira service management customer account

Account ID

This field shows a partially view of the unique Atlassian account ID.

Local Date/Time

Date and Time format is based on a standard format for the locale.

Timezone: The default user time zone is inherited from the Jira Cloud instance settings (i.e. for your organization). A user may customized the Jira timezone used for electronic signatures in the Jira Settings panel.

The user may adjust their timezone and date language in Atlassian Account Preferences. The date and time settings in eSign will synchronize within 15 minutes. If it does not, check that Account Profile and visibility for Local Time is set to Anyone so that eSign can access it.

Date Language

Locale is from Jira Cloud instance settings, unless customized by the user in the Jira Settings panel.


Atlassian Profile Page

This is a sample of the Atlassian Jira > Account Management page, accessible from the User Profile menu (top right corner) > Manage Account.

Use this to set the timezone and language that Signatures are time-stamped with.

Atlassian Account Preferences


Atlassian Profile and visibility



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