Signature Invites

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Signature Invites

Signature Invites are an option to invite other users to sign a specific issue using the “Invite” button available on the signature content panel.

Demo ScreenCast

Step 1 - Invite Users

A set of users can be invited (including the invitor if applicable). From any issue screen, press the Invite button on the Signature panel. Add Invitees and optionally Notes to send in as instructions in the notification email.




Step 2 - Notifications

Each Invited user will receive an email notification with a link to the issue to sign, plus information on the signature types, other users and any provided notes.

Step 3 - Manage Pending Signatures

After inviting, a pending signature is added to the Signature Page for each invitee with the status. If the current user has a pending Signature the Sign button is highlighted when they view the issue.


Step 4 - Execute Signatures

As users sign, the Invitations are replaced with with completed signatures. The process continues into all required signatures have been captured.


Additional Notes

  • Limit of 25 users may be invited through the Invite dialog. If more than a total of 25 users (including the members of all groups invited), only the first 25 will be invited. Invite can be performed multiple times to add more than 25 users.

  • Users may be invited multiple times before or after they have signed. Each time they are invited they will receive a new notification. This could be necessary if the user needs to sign again after a document was revised.

  • Open Invites can be removed via Signature Administration (available to project administrators). Unused open invites are automatically cleaned up on Finalize.

  • The Signatures workflow validator can be configured to require a certain number/type of signatures before allowing a transition.

Advanced Search

Below are some advanced search examples with the eSign custom fields.

Search for Issues with Pending Signatures that nobody has signed within the last 3 days.

project="ABC" and "Signature Pending" > 0 and "Signed On" < -3d


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