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eSign Quick Start

Completing the First Signature

#1 Open the Signatures Panel

Navigate to any Jira issue. For the first Signature, click the “Signatures” Quick Add button in the issue toolbar. (The Signatures panel will display by default on any issue that contains Signatures. )



#2 Get a Signature Pin

Before signing for the first time, each user must set a Signature Pin. This is a security authentication code that is used to authenticate every signature. New users will request a Pin to be sent to them via e-mail. Users can optionally update and manually set the Pin via the User Settings page.

Forgotten pins can be Reset via e-mail from the Execute dialog or User Settings pages.

#3 Execute Signature

Click the “Sign” button to open the Execute Signature dialog. Enter the user Title (optional), Meaning, and Signature Pin and press Execute Signature. Once authenticated, the signature will be added to the issue and displayed in the Signature Panel.

#4 Verify Signatures

A Signature Certificate can be generated to Verify signatures for any issue. See for more information


Explore Additional eSign Functionality

See for a comprehensive list.