Signature Dashboard

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Signature Dashboard

The signature dashboard provides a central location to review and manage signatures in a project and includes:

  1. My Signature Invites - a list of the issues the current user is actively invited to sign including waiting time and signature type.

  2. Open Signature Invites - every user that has active invites with aggregate count of open signatures and links to each.

  3. Unassigned Signatures - pending Signature Types (e.g. QA Approval, Dev Approval) on all issues that need users to be invited/sign.

  4. Signature Queries - a collection of our favorite queries to quickly find signature related issues in Jira. Use them directly, or modify and save them as your own filters for on demand or scheduled reporting.

Access the Signature Dashboard from the project page of any Jira project. It is available for all project types including Jira Service Management projects. 

Signature Dashboard

 See Advanced Issue Search for more examples on searching for signature related content in Jira.