Executing Signatures

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Executing Signatures

Apply an electronic signature using the Execute Signature dialog. Enter your personal Signature Pin and confirm/update the Meaning and press Execute Signature. Once authenticated, the signature will be added to the issue.

Execute signatures are displayed in the Signature Panel.


Execute Signature - Jira Mobile

Signature Execution is also supported within the native iOS and Android Jira Mobile client. Signature display is optimized for narrow screens; view in landscape for more details.


Signature Pin

For signature authentication, each Signature requires a personal Signature Pin to be entered after first logging in to Atlassian Jira (and passing secondary Atlassian authentication if enabled). This Pin is reusable and can be used to sign multiple issues. The first time a user opens the signature dialog the user will have to request a New Pin (via Pin Reset) before they can execute a signature.

If a Pin expires, is locked out, or is forgotten, the user can request a new one via Pin Reset. When this occurs, the eSign system will generate a random Pin for that user and send it to them via e-mail. The new pin can be used for Signing immediately. The user can optionally select their own Pin in the eSign User Settings page.

Pin Security

  • Pins are minimum 6 characters in length

  • Pins will lock out after 6 invalid attempts

  • Pins will expire after 180 days

Signature Locking

Each signature is cryptographically locked to the Jira Issue. The Signature Certificate feature is available to verify the integrity of the signatures, and will also confirm that the issue has not been modified since a signature was captured. Modifying the summary, description or adding/removing attachments will “break” the signature lock and show as an unverified signature on the Certificate.

Re-Executing Signatures

A user may optionally re-execute an issue signature while the issue is in the same status. They may need to do this to re-approve an issue after a change, or if they wish to amend the signature meaning.

When a signature is re-executed the previous signature is voided but remains visible on the Signature list.

Reset (Clear) All Signatures

It is possible to reset (clear) all signatures on an issue, if required. This function is restricted to Project Administrators for the current project. Assign appropriate users to the Project Administrator role in Jira project admin to access this function.

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