See for eSign Documentation and Support

eSign Custom Issue Fields

The eSign app includes and automatically populates read-only issue fields in Jira. These can be used to enhance search and filter capabilities to locate Jira issues with signatures and display within search results. Enable these fields within Jira Issue Configuration - Custom Fields, and then add to appropriate screens.

These custom fields can also be included Jira filters, exports (to Microsoft Word and XML), and third party apps like Xporter.







Signature Count


Count of signatures on this issue

Signature Pending


Count of pending signatures (open invites) on this issue.

Signature Export

<see below>


Summary of all signatures with name, title, date/time and meaning.
Compatible with Xporter and built in Jira Cloud Excel CSV Export.

Signed By

John Hancock, James Smith, Winston Churchill

List of signee names

Signed On

Jan 15, 2020 3:15 PM

Date/time of most recent signature

Signature Export Example

1, John Hancock, Historical Figure, Jan 15 2020 3:15 PM, Author, Review,
2, James Smith, Historical Figure, Jan 16 2020 11:35 AM, Approval, Review,
3, Winston Churchill, Prime Minister, Jan 16 2020 11:36 AM, Approval, Final Review,

Note that date and time formats will vary based on the Jira user settings for the signees.


External Integrations

Exporting via XPorter

For information on adding custom fields like “Signature Export” to Xporter templates, see documentation here: